Day 1: What is a R.E.N.E.W.E.D T.E.A.C.H.E.R.?

To continue celebrating the one year blogivesary of the RenewED Teacher Blog, I intend to post for the next 14 days straight! In these 14 days, I will attempt to explain what it means to be a RenewED Teacher! Each letter will be represented! So let’s begin!

The “R” in RenewED Teacher

As a RenewED Teacher, we always want to:


Why did we choose to teach?

Why are we still choosing to teach?

On those frustrating days when our students, their families, our colleagues, and our Day 1- Remember Your Why.jpgadministrators are irking us to death, let’s encourage each other to remember our why.

As we head into another school year, and we begin to develop uneasy emotions about the summer ending or learning about a new group of students we assume to be academic challenges and/or behavior problems, I urge us to remember our why.

Ask ourselves does our WHY still ring true today? It is my hope that it does. If it does not, it is also my hope that I can help motivate, encourage, and inspire us all to RENEW that novice teacher spirit within us all!

So tell me teachers, what is your why? Why did you become a teacher and why do you still teach? Leave your thoughts in the comments! I look forward to hearing from you all!

If you like what you see, let’s continue to learn and grow together, and subscribe to The RenewED Teacher Blog, follow me on Facebook or Twitter as well!

Until then, Happy Teaching!

Krystal L. Smith


5 thoughts on “Day 1: What is a R.E.N.E.W.E.D T.E.A.C.H.E.R.?

  1. Because I was a teen parent who’s mother would not let me not experience the consequences of my actions I had a very hard time getting help with childcare. At that age I really didn’t know what I wanted to do or what I was good at because of all our childhood trama. I later decided to apply to work at a daycare after my second child because my kids would be able to attend with me. Once I started I fail in love with it. There was only issue the childcare providers were mistreating the kids and it reminded me of that childhood trama I had experienced. I reported what I saw to the directors and they didn’t take action. Instead I became the teller tail of the daycare. I set a goal to open a daycare that children could come to while there parents work and be safe, nurtured, and loved!!! The more I worked the field the greater my passion grow. Watching the kids learn and grow from infants to toddlers to preschoolers to school age just brought and now reminded me joy!!! Thanks for your post

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